Get the right coverage. MedPLUS LLC, can assist in finding coverage that provides:
More control during the claims process
You have the right to refuse to settle a claim, thanks to coverage with our pure consent policy provision.
Extra dollars for claims defense
Polices that pay defense costs without using your policy limits, leaving more dollars to protect your good name.
Coverage into retirement
You’ll get free tail coverage when you retire.
Discounts for practicing safely
Get annual premium discounts for taking CE courses and avoiding claims.
Coverage for an increasingly digital world
Cyber liability coverage helps you manage your digital risk.
Professional Liability
The medical profession is more challenged today by medical malpractice than it has been at any other point in history. You'd like to think it will never happen to you, but unfortunately, it can. MedPLUS offers several liability coverage options that can protect you and your practice from the devastating effects of a lawsuit. Depending on the insurance carrier, professional liability insurance coverage includes the following:
Occurrence or claims-made coverage
Prior acts (nose coverage) and extended reporting period endorsements (tail coverage)
Defense costs outside of policy limits
Defendant's reimbursement
Defense for state regulatory investigations
Peer review and utilization review
Individual and group coverage policies
Protection for legal entities, ancillary medical professionals, employees, and volunteers
Locum tenens (substitute physician's coverage)
Medical director
Staffing company coverage
Professional liability solutions are available for physicians, dentists, chiropractors, mid-level providers, and allied staff. In addition, MedPLUS can find the best coverage to protect the following facilities:
Long-term care (for-profit and non-profit)
Large and small hospitals
Home health care and managed care
Urban and rural clinics
Ambulatory surgery centers
Urgent care
Dialysis centers
MRI imaging centers
If you do not see your specific professional liability insurance need mentioned, please Contact Us so we can work together to determine which insurance products and providers are best suited to protect you.
Commerical Insurance
Our experienced staff is committed to delivering commercial products tailored to meet your professional needs. We are ready to work with you to develop a program that makes sense for you and your employees. Our wide variety of services and lines of coverage include, but are not limited to the following:
Commercial property and general liability
Business owner's policies
Commercial auto
Umbrella excess coverage
Worker's compensation
Group health
Life and Dental
Accounts receivable protection
Insurance products to fund buy/sell agreements
Key man insurance and executive bonus
Directors and officers liability
Managed care errors and omissions (including medical director)
Self-insured/captive programs
Medicare/Medicaid defense coverage
Medical director
If you do not see your specific commercial insurance need mentioned, please Contact Us so we can work together to determine which insurance products and providers are best suited to protect you.
Personal Insurance
Life and health insurance have many variables and decisions. How much coverage is enough and what type of policy is best for you and your family are just two of the questions that might arise. After determining your personal product needs, our agency will provide you with the most comprehensive plan with the greatest value for you and your family. We specialize in a wide variety of services and lines of coverage that include, but are not limited to, the following:
Individual and family health (including health savings accounts)
Group health
Term and permanent life
Premium financed life
Long-term care
Short-term and long-term disability
Disability for highly compensated individuals
If you do not see your specific personal insurance need mentioned, please Contact Us so we can work together to determine which insurance products and providers are best suited to protect you.